Legumes and their Health Benefits

Lets go Foraging in our own Backyards, Yay

Its totally the best place to start and you will feel like such the earth goddess.

Chickweed (Stellaria mediachickweed,) A versatile, nutritious, medicinal herbal weed, with a cooling nature. Popping up in late winter and early spring in a sprawling clump she is possibly hanging out somewhere near by. Lets go find her!

Chickweed is really cool, you won’t be disappointed. You big forager you.



A wide, low sprawl from one root bed which can reach all through your favourite garden. Seeming to pop out of nowhere (particualryly if we havent been weeding our beds as much as we would like, who me?) Chickweed is super lush in late Autumn and early Spring then begins to hide from the harsh sun once summer really hits.




Her tiny little star flowers (which is where her botanical name “Stellaria” comes from) are small and white with 5 petals that can split in two and look like 10, which makes her look even more like a Star.



The leaves begin to grow as small ovals with a pointed tip sitting opposite each other on the stem.




As the plant matures, the leaves grow larger and begin to ruffle slightly



The stem of chickweed has a line of hair, which at each node changes directions. Sometimes you have to hold it up to the light to really see..



Here is a little video I did to some it all up….

If your really stuck send me a photo and Ill let you know, we will have you herbal foraging before you know it.  Follow my next post all about what to do with this baby once we find her…


ally_profile  xxxx



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