Hormonal Harmony

Hormonal Harmony


Herbal Extracts of Chaste Tree, Wild Yam, Sarsparilla
Bach FLowers – Olive, White Chestnut, Walnnut, Cerato, Impatience

60 drops on rising and retiring


Hormonal Harmony, this feminine blend contains nourishing herbs which have been used traditionally to bring a woman's hormones into balance

Herbal Extracts of Chaste Tree, Wild Yam, Sarsaparilla
Bach Flowers - Olive, White Chestnut, Walnut, Cerato, Impatience

60 drops on rising and retiring

Mix with a small amount of water or juice if needed

Additional information


100ml, 220ml

It is a requirement of the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administrator (TGA) that I confirm this formula is the most suitable for you. If you are a new customer, please complete the New Client Form.