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Water fasting to reduce the side effects of Chemotherapy

Water fasting to reduce the side effects of Chemotherapy

Cancer Treatment When I first heard of combining the ancient healing practice of water fasting with chemotherapy my ears pricked up. This was going to be interesting. Diagnosed with HER2 enriched breast cancer, a fast growing aggressive little bugger,  I was calling on the big guns. 3 months of chemotherapy (TCH) combined with 12 months of a targeted drug known as Herceptin was going to save my...

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Come on Winter, I’m ready!

Come on Winter, I’m ready!

Do you dread the upcoming coughs and colds season?  Are you the type that seems to catch every sniffle, cough, cold, lurgy, bug that you come in contact with? Then there are those you swear hunt you down and latch on tight. Perhaps your children or love ones are vulnerable? The good news is there are strategies to put in place to strengthen your body so you can start winter without the fear....

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Low Calorie High Nutrients Vegetable Soup

Low Calorie High Nutrients Vegetable Soup

Eating a fibre-rich diet helps to lose weight and keep your already healthy body size right where it is.  Fibre has the ability to create a sense of satiety after meals, aka fullness, without the calories of more processed or animal-based meals.

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