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Scrambled Tofu

Scrambled Tofu

For a super tasty no-cholesterol alternative to breakfast eggs, try this plant-based tofu recipe. (Including a dose of daily greens). Ingredients:1/2 tbsp olive oil (or 3 tbsp water)1/2 cup diced green or red capsicum 1/2 cup of diced spanish, white or yellow onion 1 1/2 tsp minced garlic (about 3 small cloves)1/4 cup nutritional yeast 1 x 450gm block extra-firm tofu (pressed to remove excess...

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You’re So Healthy, How Did you Get Cancer?

You’re So Healthy, How Did you Get Cancer?

When I first received my cancer diagnosis a dear friend said to me “You know this is stress don't you?”  I had to agree. My heart has been broken, my emotional tank drained, my own share of crap thrown my way, via family dramas, life dramas and she had been there witnessing it all (how awesome are long-term friends). I hadn't been able to see how deep the wounds had gone until now, having a boob...

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Herbs for use during Chemotherapy treatment

Herbs for use during Chemotherapy treatment

Why Natural Therapies? Natural therapies are those modalities based in nature and used to support the body's innate healing energy. We can embrace these modalities alongside a chemotherapy regime to reduce side effects and improve outcomes. Chemotherapy does save lives but can also take lives; these are strong, powerful drugs and also very toxic ones. The decision to use chemotherapy is an...

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